We are relaunching our Software- Introducing Q2Q Sofia!

After a few weeks of going back and forth, numerous emails and meetings with our brand consultancy Tom Grattan, and only a few bacon rolls and coffee.. We are excited to announce the relaunch of our data management software.

Introducing Q2Q Sofia, the Ultimate Data Hub. A unique software designed for you make the most of the valuable data available in your business.

No idea what we are talking about? Let us explain.

Here at Q2Q we have designed a platform in order for you to analyse real-time data from all areas across your organisation. Imagine all your measurable information in one place, on one straightforward and easy to use dashboard display.

Q2Q Sofia gives you control! With integration capabilities across leading software packages for accountancy, e-commerce, database management, ERP and CRM, and a wide range of file types accepted, our system will give you an instant understanding of what’s happening, where it’s happening and how you are performing.

Put simply, Q2Q Sofia condenses your business data into actionable information so you can focus on business development and growth.

Business Benefits:

  • Facilitates interpersonal communication
  • Promotes learning and training
  • Gain competitive advantage
  • Helps automate the managerial process
  • Collects, stores, evaluates and reports data
  • Encourages decentralisation
  • Bridges cultural/geographical gaps
  • Provides greater financial awareness

Management Benefits

  • The right information when it’s needed.
  • Prevents systems information overload
  • Presents financial analysis and reporting
  • Improves personal efficiency
  • Expedites problem solving
  • Generates new evidence in support decisions
  • Supports planning and control decisions
  • Encourages exploration and discovery
  • Reveals new approaches to thinking
  • Increases organisational control

Q2Q Sofia is not sector specific, and we are a flexible company and can design a solution to suit your needs. Our current clients operate in retail, wholesale, hospitality and professional services to mention a few.

You can download our free software brochure here, or to discuss a web demo or how you can introduce Q2Q Sofia to your business, do not hesitate to get in touch.

01524 581 690


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    Lancaster: 01524 581690

    Technical IT Support illustration at Q2Q HQ Lancaster, Lancashire and the North West