A memory failure is fixed

Client: Lancaster & Morecambe Chamber of Commerce

At the Chamber, the team have been building on more than a century of learning and experience, in a continuously changing social and economic landscape, and have created a trusted local business community where people and organisations can grow, thrive and feel supported.

When you walk through the door at their regular and varied events, there will be a friendly welcome from the Lancaster & Morecambe Chamber team, and from an impressive number of their engaged and committed members.

What was the challenge?

One of the Chambers’s main PCs had a sudden failure out of the blue and would not turn on.
The PC contained business data that was essential to operate, so it was needed in a hurry.

What did we do to fix it?

The Chamber team arranged for the machine to be dropped with us at HQ.
We quickly assessed the machine and after some troubleshooting, it was diagnosed as faulty memory chips.
The machine was not in its first flush of youth, so sourcing replacement items may have taken a few days. Luckily, at Q2Q, we tend to strip old faulty machines of some of the more useful parts, like memory sticks, when they are decommissioned at the end of life.
After a quick check in the cupboards, we found some memory sticks that matched the machine and got these fitted without delay.

What effect did it have for the client?

The machine was then able to boot correctly and back to its working self in no time.
We were able to offer this fix free of charge on this occasion as the memory stick was old spare stock and only sitting in a cupboard.
The Chamber were back up and running in no time at all and happy to have their machine back in their office, working as normal.

We collect all sorts of bits and bobs at Q2Q, just in case they come in useful in the future! Damien is famous for never letting us throw anything away, just in case it comes in handy. However, we do have to draw the line sometimes, or we wouldn’t have space for the techies!