Get Safe Online Day 2016

Today, the internet is being overtaken by the Get Safe Online campaign. This is part of an effort to increase awareness of cyber crime to a larger audience, highlighting the increasing loss to the UK economy suffered every year as a result of these virtual crime sprees.

In a world that uses the internet more and more every day, the importance of online safety cannot be stressed enough. Business, socialisation, shopping and even dating occurs online every minute. The internet is a hub of constant activity. There are those that take advantage of this; conducting identity theft and fraud that cause undue amounts of financial and emotional stress.

Even in spite of this, many smaller businesses are still not taking the precautions to keep themselves safe online. One password for all accounts is a major problem, as is using insecure software, not carrying out updates and neglecting to create backups. These are all extremely simple IT necessities and should be a vital component of any businesses IT strategy. If not, you leave you and your business open to hacking.

It’s not a case of locking up your keyboard for good. Internet safety is down to you and your business being savvy with passwords, virus checking and of course keeping the security risks down to a minimum. The modern world makes it impossible to go dark on the internet, so burying your head in the sand isn’t an option in order to avoid the dangers of internet usage. That is why you must start making every day safer now.

Make today the day you Get Safe Online @q2q-it #MakeEveryDaySafer [tweet this]

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