How to succeed when designing solutions for growth or diversifying into new territories

Whether you’re expanding your already-successful business, or diversifying into new territories, it’s important to make sure your IT infrastructure supports any change or growth that you have planned.  But, have you considered that it could potentially advance the pace of that change?

At Q2Q, the tools we use when designing solutions work just as well with new process implementation, as they do with any type of project-work. Our strengths-based approach begins with defining an ‘end-goal’, and asking ourselves, ‘what would great look like?’ Then, it’s a case of working backwards to the here-and-now to define the various steps required to get to where we want to be.

This process helps to establish where your internal fortes lie, what’s currently working well, what you can learn from this, and how you can use – and build – on certain areas, in order to deliver the tasks or change sought.

This method of working is great for team morale, as it makes everyone aware of what they are already capable of – as well as how they can use their knowledge and skills to deliver the very best solutions.

Another benefit to working in this way, is that it helps colleagues to ‘feel’ what great would be like – and therefore makes it easier to believe that the change is achievable and not just a series of hurdles to overcome. In addition, it gives you that all-important sense-check that the set target truly is the outcome you’re looking for.

Due to its proven track record, we incorporate this approach into every project we manage at Q2Q – whether it be for a client, or for our own internal development. By taking the time to define the desired result before work gets underway, we know that we’re going to hit the target – and not deviate from the task through needless conversations or missing vital steps in the change process.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise then, that when working with our clients, we aren’t just focused on designing IT solutions.

While we – like any professional services provider – have specialists in a given field, we bolster our day-to-day IT helpdesk activities by being able to offer advice on security, development and the various peripheral IT expectations and requirements firms frequently have.

It doesn’t stop there though. Where we believe we take it one step further, is that our directors and senior team have a vast amount of experience outside the realm of tech. Together, we share  working knowledge of operations, continuous improvement, sourcing and procurement, process design and implementation, financial planning and forecasting, plus systems design and integration.

As a result, when it comes to working with our customers, we’re keen to understand what their challenges are – beyond just that of IT. This is so that we can advise, not only on the right infrastructure, but any additional implementations and improvements on the periphery, which may help to smooth the path to growth and success.

We’re also pretty savvy when it comes to report writing. Therefore, if you have an abundance of data to trawl through every month – and can’t see the wood for the trees – we may be able to help with that too.

When designing solutions for clients, we strive to not just see things from their perspective, but to understand their values, and what’s important to them, in order to maintain the right balance between, technology, economics and psychology.

If you’re interested in learning about how these strength-based tools could help your business, want to understand what your IT company should be providing in terms of a holistic approach, or would simply like to understand how to shift the cultural attitude of your own organisation, the kettle is always on a Q2Q HQ, so get in touch with us here.

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    Lancaster: 01524 581690 (Head Office)

    Preston: 01772 395693

    Technical IT Support illustration at Q2Q HQ Lancaster, Lancashire and the North West