My Red Rose Award Reflection!

I think it’s safe to say I have just about recovered from Thursday night’s antics at The Red Rose Awards. What an incredible night of celebration for businesses in Lancashire.

As it was our first time we weren’t sure what kind of evening to expect, having never entered nor attended an awards ceremony in the local area before. The evening exceeded our expectations, with brilliant entertainment and atmosphere. It was great to be able to really celebrate the success of local companies and the success of our team too.

The Empress Ballroom was bathed in red light, which was incredible for the theme, but pretty rubbish for selfies.

We were entertained by a fantastic band who performed 90’s dance classics to start off our evening. Followed by ballerinas, acrobats and some crazy lights show! Those of you that were there were also lucky enough to witness Q2Q busting some serious moves on the dance floor- we really ate, drank and danced the night away!

It was a massive shock to be short-listed for The Small Business Award category and despite not winning, it has given us a new drive to really push ourselves in 2016 for next year’s awards. We were on that list with some incredible local companies and were delighted to see Edison Pope as the 2016 winners!

There is something about the awards evening that makes you hungry for success, perhaps its hearing all the incredible work that the winners have been doing across Lancashire, not just for business but for local communities too. As a business I feel it’s now really important for us to use The Red Rose Awards as a platform and make the most of our achievement.

 Fingers crossed for a win next year and watch this space for some exciting things from Q2Q!

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