How we helped our client Oglethorpe Sturton and Gillibrand to mitigate major office works disturbance

Oglethorpe Sturton and Gillibrand are proud to have over 30 solicitors split between their offices in Lancaster and Kirkby Lonsdale.

To provide the best service to their clients, they also have solicitors who specialise in one particular field of law, so they are able to advise on specific issues and guide clients through their individual transactions with the highest level of legal skills and guidance.

What was the challenge?

Our client is having some major network upgrade works at their Lancaster office on Castle Park.
Due to the historic nature of the building, the existing networking was proving difficult to keep up with the modern demands, so the entire network is to be replaced with fibre optic links and state-of-the-art network switches and cabinets.

While each section of the building was being upgraded, the staff needed a temporary base to work in peace, away from the dust and mayhem!

How did Q2Q help?

Q2Q worked with OSG from the beginning of the project to plan a temporary office setup just down the road at Castle Hill.
We arranged for a fibre internet connection to be provisioned to the offices and worked with the management team to plan for everything they would need.
Cabled networking, Wi-Fi, Printing, Monitors, keyboards and mice were all set up on the new desks in such a way that either a PC or laptop dock could easily be connected to each, as each group moved through the temporary site in turn.
A VPN tunnel was configured between the sites to allow secure printing back to the main office if needed.

What effect did it have for the client?

Eleven desks in total were provisioned for hot desking, and each desk has a cable bunch presented on top to allow for a quick hot swap of a PC or laptop docking station as needed. They can now swap these out as needed without needing repeat visits from Q2Q.
We loaned networking and Wi-Fi equipment to create the backbone for all of this without huge expense to the client, so costs were kept to a minimum.

The client now has a home away from home, within skipping distance of the main office, where staff can relocate as their section of the office is re-wired.

The view from the temporary offices is incredible and rather distracting, so we hope the staff can prize their eyes from Lancaster’s awesome Castle!