Why You Need Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): The Essentials

What is EDR? Imagine a superhero constantly watching over your network, ready to zap any villains (threats) in real-time using AI and machine learning.

Beyond Anti-virus: Unlike your old-school anti-virus, which just checks files after the fact, EDR is like having a security guard who stops trouble before it even starts.

Ultimate Protection: EDR doesn’t just fight regular viruses. It tackles big baddies like ransomware, sneaky fileless attacks, and those pesky zero-day threats.

Is Your Business Really Safe?

You might think your business is safe with some anti-virus software and a bit of employee training. Think again! Cyberattacks are getting smarter and sneakier. Latest statistics from the Home Office have reported that 50% of businesses have experienced a cyber breach in the past year, and according to UK Cyber Crime statistics, 60% of small businesses are forced to cease trading within 6 months of receiving a cyber-attack.

With these worrying statistics, it’s clear you need more than just a digital lock on the door.

Meet EDR: Your New Best Friend in Cybersecurity

Coined by Anton Chuvakin in 2013, EDR is all about real-time threat protection. It’s not just a passive observer; it’s an active defender using AI and machine learning to keep your network safe.

What is an Endpoint?

Anything that connects to the internet: laptops, desktops, even your smart kettle. EDR watches over these endpoints like a hawk, collecting data and analysing unusual activities. If something fishy is detected, EDR jumps into action— and can have the power to disconnect the machine with the threat or reverse any damage faster than you can say “cyberattack.”

Why EDR is a Must-Have

Think anti-virus is enough? Think again! Here’s why you need EDR:

Ransomware: Remember the “WannaCry” attack? It locked up over 200,000 computers worldwide demanding a ransom. EDR can stop such attacks in their tracks.

Fileless Attacks: These are stealthy attacks that don’t need to be downloaded. They’re super sneaky and hard to catch without EDR.

Lateral Movement Attacks: Attackers hop from one device to another, dodging traditional anti-virus software. EDR can catch them mid-hop based on their behaviour.

Zero-day Malware: When hackers exploit vulnerabilities that haven’t been patched yet, EDR is there to save the day.

How EDR Works

EDR uses AI to learn what normal activity looks like on your network. It then watches for anything out of the ordinary. For example, if someone downloads a suspicious email attachment, EDR checks:

Does this look weird?
Has this been done before?
Is this file trying to access sensitive info?

If something’s off, EDR acts immediately. It’s like having a security system that not only detects the break-in but also locks the doors and calls the cops instantly.

Join the EDR Revolution!

At Q2Q, we’re all about EDR. After extensive research and a lot of negotiating with the supplier, we’ve secured a great deal and we’re now rolling out our preferred EDR system to all our clients. Want to know more? Drop us a line at hello@q2q-it.com and let’s chat about how EDR can protect your business.